Monday 14 March 2011

Home Solar Energy System

One of the ways to bring positive energy home is through the use of a home solar energy system. Most often people use DIY home solar kits to accomplish this, but sometimes the average person doesn't know what to look for in a residential power system. Most people understand what solar energy is, and even may know somewhat about how it works, but want to know more.
There are many different resources for building your own home solar energy system, but not all home solar kits are alike. Building your own solar panels is just one of the many aspect of home solar energy systems. A good DIY solar website covers all aspects of home solar kits, from the panels, the wiring schematics, battery banks to store excess energy. A complete kit also includes voltage regulators, for keeping down power surges, as well as convertors to change the low voltage DC current produced by the sun's energy to high voltage AC current.
These home solar energy system kits need to also have complete lists of the materials you will need, photovoltaic cells, batteries, as well as regulators and inverters, as well as where you can buy these as cheaply as possible. For an example, many people don't realize that photovoltaic cells can be purchased from a variety of different online resources, like eBay.
You can of course buy complete home solar kits that have everything you need to get your home solar energy system up and running in just a short amount of time. While these kits may be a little more expensive than a DIY kit, for those that are not that mechanically inclined they can be a more affordable alternative than hiring a professional installer.  No matter what kind of system you decide on, make sure that you do have a professional make the final switch over to these systems.

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